chem structure

2007-12-25 3:58 am
body centre structure=simple cubic structure?

回答 (2)

2007-12-25 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
你所指的body centre structure...我想應該是指The body centered cubic structure 吧
因為我沒聽過有body centre structure~~


The simple cubic system consists of one lattice point on each corner of the cube. Each atom at the lattice points is then shared equally between eight adjacent cubes, and the unit cell therefore contains in total one atom (1/8 * 8). The body centered cubic system has one lattice point in the center of the unit cell in addition to the eight corner points. It has a contribution of 2 lattice points per unit cell ((1/8)*8 + 1).
參考: al chem 書
2007-12-31 12:10 am
答案錯誤, body centered structure不等於simple cubic structure。

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