Any helpful idea for baby name ?! Chinese name

2007-12-25 2:35 am
My son is born today. I am a daddy now. Though I have tried to think a good Chinese name for my baby son for a few months. But I am ashamed that I can't make up my mind because my Chinese is not so good. You see. I even can't type in Chinese. I am surnamed "洪".

I wanna the Chinese name to be unique , meaning and sound nice.

Please help me.

回答 (3)

2007-12-26 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi,恭喜您. 洪震藩, 庭耀, 希望對你們有用.

2007-12-27 13:37:36 補充:
2007-12-28 9:54 am
改名係好睇你想個仔將來係一個乜野人,你想佢堅強d,咪有個<堅>字或<強>字囉,你想佢個人有自信d,咪改個<信>字囉,你想佢靚仔d,咪叫<俊>,你想佢為人光明磊落,咪用<磊>,<光> or<明>,想佢做偉人就用<偉>字,你自己用這些單字夾下邊個組合好聽啦!
2007-12-27 3:41 am
Is it ok?Hope you and your wife like it! I think it is unique!

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