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Under HK Laws. Chap 210 盜竊罪條例 Sec. 18 以欺騙手段取得金錢利益
(1) 任何人以欺騙手段(不論該欺騙手段是否唯一或主要誘因)而不誠實地為自己或另一人取得任何金錢利益,即屬犯罪,循公訴程序定罪後,可處監禁10年。
Chap 19 匯票條例 Sec. 55 出票人或背書人的法律責任
(1) 匯票的出票人一旦出票,即─
(a) 允諾匯票在妥為出示時會按照其所示條款獲得承兌及付款,並允諾在匯票不兌現時會對持有人或被迫就匯票付款的背書人作出補償,但必須妥為採取匯票不兌現時所須採取的必要程序;
(b) 不得向當期持有人否定受款人的存在及受款人當時作出背書的行為能力。
From a criminal law point of view, it is illegal for a person to knowingly issue a cheque that cannot be cashed/deposited or does not have the authority to issue such cheque under the name of account holder.
From a civil law point of view, if there were financial lost incurred because of the cheque, the person paid to can sue for damages in court.