
2007-12-24 11:30 pm

回答 (3)

2007-12-24 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Every year December 25 the worldwide celebration day - - Christmas day, the world Christian also is born in this day commemorative Jesus Christ. Originally only then starts in the A.D. fourth day century to have celebrates the history which Jesus is born. Which day birth in fact does Jesus in, nobody know for certain, is born the year including Jesus to inspect without knowing where to begin, but the majority archaeologists all thought should be in division century that year (is B.C.) is year of the its birth. Records Mary Mary according to the Holy Bible to be pregnant because of the Holy Ghost move, when returns with husband Joseph toward the hometown, walks to a Judea's xiaocheng - - Bethlehem, meets all inns sold out, Mary is compelled in the manger to give birth to Jesus. When Jesus as soon as is born, has come three doctors from the remote East, originally they follow the space a bright star to find Jesus, and prostrates oneself he. The shepherd also hears in wilderness to have the angel the sound to send out in the space, reports the good news to them which Jesus is born.

2007-12-24 19:22:37 補充:
參考: me
2007-12-25 12:00 am
Every year December 25 the worldwide celebration day - - Christmas day, the world Christian also is born in this day commemorative Jesus Christ. Originally only then starts in the A.D. fourth day century to have celebrates the history which Jesus is born. Which day birth in fact does Jesus in, nobody know for certain, is born the year including Jesus to inspect without knowing where to begin, but the majority archaeologists all thought should be in division century that year is year of the its birth. Records Mary Mary according to the Holy Bible to be pregnant because of the Holy Ghost move, when returns with husband Joseph toward the hometown, walks to a Judea's xiaocheng - - Bethlehem, meets all inns sold out, Mary is compelled in the manger to give birth to Jesus. When Jesus as soon as is born, has come three doctors from the remote East, originally they follow the space a bright star to find Jesus, and prostrates oneself he. The shepherd also hears in wilderness to have the angel the sound to send out in the space, reports the good news to them which Jesus is born.
參考: 字典機
2007-12-24 11:35 pm

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