Master Degree

2007-12-24 9:34 pm
我之前係讀higher diploma in business administration,之後讀左top up degree in business and management, 成績係second upper...
1) 請問香港o既大學既master會唔會好難入? 要咩資格呢?
2) 因為我之前讀既top up degree 係 overseas 既u ,咁我讀返local u 既master, qualification係唔係會好d?
3) 我依家做緊有關buying既工作, 如果我想讀master in management, 唔知有冇用呢? 有咩其他suggestion呢?


回答 (1)

2008-01-07 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) very easy, usually 2-1 or 2-2. On rare ocassions, 3rd + some years of experience.
2) employers will just look at your 1st degree. Second degrees are only complementary, usless it is a PhD.
3) management is a good subject. If you want to earn more money, you should do a M Economics.

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