
2007-12-24 12:56 pm
我部電腦個滑鼠突然會不停自己向下走,向下捲,自己左鍵,右鍵!係乜問題呀?!我換過光學mouse,舊式波波mouse,roll ball都一樣係咁!!!救命呀各位大大!!

回答 (2)

2007-12-24 2:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你已經中了病毒, 要殺病毒了.
2. 你的視窗花了, 要重裝.
3. 你的office 花了. 要重裝.
4. 老鼠頭已壤, 用另一個usb 頭吧.
參考: me
2007-12-24 4:54 pm
1. download spybot and update anti-spyware definition, download AVG Free and update anti-virus definition
2. restart Windows in safe mode (press F8 when starting up)
3. Run Spypot to scan & clean spyware
4. Run AVG Free to scan & clean virus

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