
2007-12-24 8:11 am

1. 各位英文高手,可否推介一本(或幾本)實用的英文文法參考書給我作為研習的工具或供進修之用? (例如:Oxford University Press出版的)

(聽聞 Practical English Usage 這本很好,是真的嗎?)

2. 在哪裏買會較便宜?(例如:可在二手書店買得到嗎?如可,請一併列明地址)




回答 (4)

2007-12-24 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
有關教授英文的參考書 :
Question 1. 其實好的英文文法參考書 有很多,全英及有中譯本。
-----Practical English Usage 是好書。
-----English Grammar in Use (中級/高級) by Raymond Murphy
Cambridge University Press(劍橋)
-----Grammar Explained for the HK Certificate by Richard Booker
Longman 朗文
Question 2. 不用買二手, 買中國大陸版很平,
我那一本是在 HKU 學生會 Canteen 附近的小書店買, 只 $33 至
$44 元左右,而且因是大陸版所以有簡体字中文解釋(但仍保留英
English Writing-----其實不用買書, 剪報紙看、看英文新聞 news、
參考: self
2007-12-25 12:34 am
Cambridge is not good it is too easy for me. Maybe you can try to find some more difficult ones if you really want to improve you english
2007-12-24 11:14 pm
You can buy the Practical English Usage and you can read the road book and see where you can buy the book like this.
2007-12-24 8:35 am
Practical English Usage by Michael Swan is a very good reference book. I think it is good to brush up one's knowledge of English grammer with this book. You can buy it in bookstores, such as Commerical Press and Popular. English version and bilingual version i.e. English and Chinese are available now. I do not have any idea of your English standard. For me, I prefer English version to bilingual version.

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