On or before??

2007-12-24 7:53 am
我想知有on or before 啦~~~
咁有冇on or later 呢? 我想表達"在這時間或之後"


回答 (4)

2007-12-24 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想知有on or before 啦~~~
咁有冇on or later 呢? 我想表達"在這時間或之後"


係有on or before 同埋 on or after 架 (on or later 就未聽過.)

例如: Please be at the office on or after 2:00 P.M. tomorrow.

- 請於明天二時或二時(以)後到達 辦公室.


2007-12-24 10:08:37 補充:
* 唔記得提一提, 同樣 on or before 2:00 P.M. = 係二時或二時(以)前.
參考: myself, 喺唔同嘅外國生活咗好多好多年啦.
2007-12-24 7:26 pm
on or before

most people use this phrase to emphasize the important date.

e.g. you should submit your homework on or before Dec 31, 2007 otherwise you will be punished.

2007-12-24 11:30:24 補充:
在這時間或之後you could use the opposite word of BEOFRE - AFTER, i.e. on or afteryou should open the present on or after Dec 25, 2007.
2007-12-24 5:29 pm
想表達時間 You can say: Please be on time for our meeting.

想知有on or before ? No ! 冇

想表達之後 I will see you later.

more examples:

1. I'll meet you at 3 pm before the class.

2. Please be on time, don't be late!

P.S. I don't have software to type Chinese,
hope above information helps you!

Jen Jen
from USA
參考: I am Taiwanese American live in New York City
2007-12-24 7:58 am
會否用 on or after 呢 ?
或 no earlier than 是否適合呢 ?

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