format 唔到部机, 發生咩事?

2007-12-24 5:15 am
已經close 灑所有program 同 window, 但係都係format 唔到, 有冇人可以教我點做??

回答 (2)

2007-12-24 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Key Steps to Formatting

Back it Up!
Before the format process, you want to make sure that if your goal is hard drive recovery, you back up as much personal data and information from your hard drive as you need. In some instances where a virus has caused serious system damage, this may not be possible, but if your format is planned ahead of time you certainly can copy and archive data off your hard drive before you start the format process.

The Format Command
Format is a Microsoft DOS command. It's a command line you can run to remove information from a computer disk, floppy disk or hard disk. It is an external command found in many of the Windows Operating systems. Hard drive formatting is done in three steps:

(1) Low-level formatting creates the physical structure on the hard drive. Partitioning divides the hard drive into logical pieces that become volumes. High-level formatting defines the logical structures on the partition and places at the start of the disk any necessary operating system files.
The format command syntax is the following:

FORMAT drive: [/parameters]
- where drive: specifies the volume to format (the hard disk letter followed by a colon) — example format c:
— where [parameters] formats the disk with different options — example format c: /s will copy system files to the formatted disk or format c: /q performs a quick format.
The syntax used between Windows 95, 98 and ME differ slightly from Windows 2000 and XP. To see the available Format command parameters for your operating system, you can type FORMAT /? at the DOS command line.


Click to view a screen shot of format commands for Windows XP

2007-12-25 2:06 am
1. 可能是被防毒軟體或防火牆擋住了,或是使用的網路是一個共享的網路環境(如網咖、學網、社區


2. 問您是不是很久沒有使用FOXY了?由於FOXY會記憶您上一次連線的電腦,以及更新項目,如果您很



3. FOXY被其他同業攻擊所致,FOXY檢查出錯誤的資訊停止下載,而目前FOXYv1.8.6有自動修復功能,


1. 請先關閉FOXY
2. 到安裝Foxy的目錄下。(如未更改安裝目錄,可能是 C:Program FilesFoxy)
3. 進入Conf資料夾,將Addresses.cfg 刪除
4. 重新開啟FOXY。

1. 請先關閉FOXY
2. 刪除Conf資料夾
3. 重新開啟FOXY


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