Computer problem

2007-12-23 10:40 am
If i clicked "delete file" accidentally,
how can i get back those deleted files???

i mean i clicked "delete the files forever".....

I wanna get back all my data!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-12-27 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may try Undelete Plus.

It's totally FREE!!!

It's easy to use.
download and install
then you may use it!

I've used it for many times. It saved me many times.

2007-12-27 11:47:57 補充:
You can restore files which its status is very good.*** It can not restore files 100% right.
2007-12-23 7:39 pm
You can go and try the recycle bin. =)
2007-12-23 10:47 am
重新download個D DATAs or 可以試下去recycle bin 番番重有冇

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