
2007-12-23 10:02 am
本人中4,呢排(近呢幾個月)我勁鍾意英文,平均日日都用2-3小時溫,不過唔知點解做番 CE reading既 Mockpaper次次都係岩岩好合格or多1.2份,有咩方法improve?
同埋我想知oxford有無出英文reading exercise的?
因為我,而+用緊New progress in certificate english 的exercise,覺得唔係太有用- -
希望大家幫下我,我唔想ce英文太差呀....thc a lot,,love ya!


回答 (3)

2007-12-23 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To heihei:

It probably sounds ridiculous, but I always encourage people to do LESS English exercises, because the exercises only offer very little help.

Frankly speaking, the contents in the Hong Kong style exercises are totally outdated, and always remain at a very elementary level, e.g. the grammar and spellings. Just downright boring stuff.

Believe it or not, these things are too simple even for the kindergarten and primary students in US and UK. For the US & UK kids, they are reading from an early age some of the most famous literatures, such as the novels by Charles Dickens. That's why they have very sharp English.

So trust me. If you want to improve your English, the first thing you have to do is to discard the old ways of learning languages, i.e. to do exercises.


Instead, I advise you to watch more programmes on English TV channels. Since the TV shows are both visual and audio, you can train your hearing while watching. Apart from that, It's useful to better your speaking because you learn much more about the accents through TV.

Once you notice that you no longer depends on the subtitles, you know that your English is much better than before.

My top TV choices are 60 minutes plus from ATV World, and any shows from Discovery Channel / National Geographic Channel. However, I love to watch American Next top model or Queer Eye for the straight Guys just for fun.

What I mean is, you can choose any kind of English programmes you favor. As long as you like the subject, you will keep watching without getting bored. And that's beneficial to your English.

I am glad to know that you love English and have the motivation to improve yourself. That is a good start. It is also nice that you love picking up new vocabs.

For this reason, I suggest you to read English newspapers and magazines. Similar to watching TV, you can select any subject.

For example, if you are a fan of English football, you can go to the sport column and read the news about Manchester United, or Beckham! If you prefer fashion and beauty, then go to the leisure column. There are also many funny strip comics, like the Snoopy.

If you are ready to read some proper english, the Editorial column(社論) from the newspaper is a pretty good choice, since the chief editors usually have great writing skills.

So that's all for me. I hope you have the patience to read my long message, and it's the best if you try at least one or two things from the above!

Feel free to ask me any questions.

Wish you good luck! ^.^
2007-12-23 10:31 pm
For listening and speaking, 試試看這個看英文短片的網站, 有中英對照, 以及英美政治家的演講, 你可以從最簡單的開始, 慢慢地就聽得越來越多了.
2007-12-23 4:28 pm
readmore newspaper and drop down ur vocab, at the same time, try to think why they use this tense..etc, when doing composition, try to use the vocab u learn, so that you will not forget them..
參考: ilearnt this way, so effectibe

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