
2007-12-23 6:14 am
Topic: The effects of obesity among teenagers in Hong Kong

我不希望各位抄下列的文章回答: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007122202427

回答 (1)

2007-12-23 11:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Teenage obesity has created many bad effects in Hong Kong, for example, those teenagers who are obese will have a higher chance to have health problems, they will require change in society to assist them and may having a social problem, the government and parents should be more concern with them.
Higher chance to have health problems, by drinking cola and eat chips and food that are high in fat, those teenagers will become obese, which could lead to heart problems like having a heart attack as a teenager, that is not normal as this type of problem only happen when people who are older like forty years old or above.
Change in society to assist them, if more teenagers become obese, the society will need to change to help them when they get older, for example, cinema seats will need to be larger, this already happened in the United States. In addition, they will always eat more food than others who are not obese, which lead to creation of larger food, such as jumbo burgers and cola, which will make the obesity becoming from bad to worse.
Social problem, the obese teenagers might be rejected by their classmates, because they are different to them and not want to have a fat person as a friend, they will likely be pick at, other might beat the obese teenager, that has happened in Hong Kong although he was not a teenager but did got beaten badly. This will certainly upset the obese teenagers, which they will become less socialize and always stay at home and not want to talk to others.
From the above points, teenage obesity has created many bad effects in Hong Kong that government and parents needs to be concern for these group of young people.
298 words
Is that ok?
參考: myself

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