English Learning : What does mean by "Formality.......

2007-12-23 5:52 am
Dear Writing Experts,

My Eglish lecturer always mentions two technical terms in learning writing, do you know what does it mean by "Formality" and "Collocation" in learning writing? I have done a lot of excercises about them but I am still feeling confused for the chinese interpretation.

(1) Formality- 是否指句子的正規性

(2) Collocation-是否指句子的舖排嗎?

Thanks for you help.

Merry Christmas!

回答 (3)

2007-12-23 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Formality- = 思即使是你寫文章的“隆重”程度。
1. What's going on?
2. How do you do?
1同2問得野一樣﹐ 但是字眼很不一樣。1很明顯比2的說話方式隆重﹐ 對吧﹖ 1 是informal/casual而2就是formal. 1同2是兩種不同的degree of formality。

collocation - 是將經常同時出現在一起的字眼/詞放在一起 (juxtaposition)。 例如: dead serious.
參考: eva
2007-12-23 9:00 am
what why dog kill people
2007-12-23 6:03 am

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