
2007-12-22 7:31 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-22 8:44 pm
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Please refer to the reference site for sample analytical result.


Capillary electrophoresis (CE) or capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), in its native form, is not a chromatographic technique because it does not use a pressure generated flowing mobile phase, but rather an electric field to force the migration of charged molecules (sample, buffer or both), through a buffer (or gel) filled capillary. However, the
net effect is the same in that species are separated in time based on their relative mobility through the capillary. A wide variety of variations on this general concept exist
that can achieve sample separations based on size, chemistry, charge, isoelelectric potential and more. The main strengths of CE have been its very high resolution,
flexibility of applications and hardware simplicity. The main disadvantages are mostly related to the very small sample size limitations. CE-ICP-MS remains largely in the
realm or academia and research and recently, micro and nanoflow HPLC have delivered many of the benefits of CE without some of the disadvantages.

CE differs from LC in several other important ways. Very high voltage (up to 30 kV) applied across the capillary is necessary to cause sample migration and therefore the system must be shielded to protect the user from electric shock. Also, CE sample volumes and “flows” are very low, in the nL/min range. This is advantageous when sample size is very limited as in many biological applications. It is disadvantageous in that very little analyte reaches the detector, limiting the sensitivity of the technique. This is where ICP-MS can provide a solution, due to its very high sensitivity and low sample flow requirements. However, even the most efficient low flow nebulizers for ICP-MS still operate in the low μL/min range, many times higher than CE flow. To compensate for this, the CE-ICP-MS interface must augment the flow as well as electrically isolate the capillary from the ICP nebulizer.

Virtually any compound or element that can be separated by CE can be detected by ICP-MS, providing sufficient material reaches the plasma. In this respect, CE applications are very similar to those by LC; however, since CE always requires a makeup flow, and gradient elution is not used, matrix composition in CE is essentially constant.
2007-12-22 7:23 pm

將三部機連接一齊最大困難是如何處理mobile phase,因為大家flow rate唔同一定要做好銜接工作;尤其是ICP入MS如何收集analyte同排走大量氬氣是一個大問題
而另一方面,訊號的認定也是重要的,因為CE的output是有時間性的而進到ICP同MS的不是homogenous sample,於是點樣處理所得的訊號好重要,三部儀器要拍齊time base line個訊號先至有意思
當然啦!!CE本身是有pH buffer,而點樣eliminate buffer帶來的干擾亦好重要

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