
2007-12-22 12:55 am
一月去北京, 去長城會唔會太冷,太大風雪???

回答 (3)

2007-12-24 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
一月去長城, 會好凍, 而且大風, 會凍到面都無知覺, 手指麻脾. 至於有無雪, 就唔一定. 要視乎當時有無落雪.
你要帶定厚衫, 手套, 暖包. 帶條紗巾包住塊面都會有著數.
2007-12-22 5:24 am
2007-12-22 1:10 am
1) Suggested you to get weather news from Phoenix TV channel.

2) For sure it will chiller than HK, but will it snow is a big query, moreover Beijing is a big place, I don't have idea which location you will go, so better have well preparation with your clothing.

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