
2007-12-21 10:22 pm
一對情侶因某種原因 ( 如申請公屋 ) 而先註冊結婚,經過一段時間後才正式結婚.可惜又訂不到酒席,但已擇了吉日過門,於是只好過門與擺酒分開兩天進行.

回答 (6)

2007-12-21 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-12-22 6:16 pm
應該以註冊結婚日為結婚紀念日, 因為佢地簽字註冊後在法律上已經完婚, 係正式夫妻! 吉日過門同擺酒只係補做傳統儀式!
2007-12-22 1:20 am
2007-12-22 12:50 am
我都係先註冊後再過幾年先擺酒, 因為怕唔記得所以結婚紀念日定係註冊個日, 到時就唔駛為呢啲少事唔開心啦.
2007-12-21 10:54 pm
As anniversary is a term for western, I would love to say that the date of doing the registration would be the date of your anniversary. Since no matter what, after that day, you two are legally and officially treated as married. For the other two days, they are more chinese tradition related. Of course, in terms of your parents, you may not be someone's husband or wife until you have the "good date" to do all the chinese traditional things. Therefore, they would say that you would become someone's daughter or son in law after the "good date". For the reception / banquet date, it's really only a date of celebration with your friends and relatives. It's their date of celebration and not solely for you.

In conclusion, I would say that the registration date would be count as Anniversary. Also, you could pick the chinese "good date" as well. However, the banquet date would not be anything related to Anniversary at all.
參考: own opinion
2007-12-21 10:29 pm

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