關於 Diary!

2007-12-21 8:46 pm
有冇啲頭水寫吓關於Christmas Party嘅Diary呀?(一定要英文)大約100字度喇!

回答 (1)

2007-12-21 9:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I woke up so early because I was so exciting.I had prepared a box of chips and some chocolate.When we arrived school,we started our party straightaway.I had eaten sushi,chicken wings ,candies etc.Then we played "Killer".Luckily,I had not been killed and I had been chosen to be the killer.I had killed many classmates.After that,we went down to the hall to have a lucky draw.I had won a cute teddy bear.
At last,I went to my friend's home to play NDS and WILL.
I felt very happy.

98 words
參考: me

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