中學排名 ... ... (嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院) 10分

2007-12-21 8:25 pm
我想問嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院係 or band 1 尾???
有無 D 學校係 band 1頭 or band 1中????

( 有人回答,小女感激不盡)

有無 D 學校係灣仔區OR 東區 係 band 1頭 or band 1中???

回答 (2)

2007-12-22 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello...I am a student who studied in Wan Chai district primary school,
and now I am studying in the band 1 top secondary school in Wai Chai district also
And I am a form 1 girl.
Let me answer your question first.

St.Francis Canossian College:
is a band 1 middle to last Catholic girls' secondary school.I know that most of the students there are from St.Francis Canossian School.But many great students in the primary section of SFCC change another school to study because they think some schools are much better then SFCC.St.Paul 's Convent School,St.Paul 's
Secondary School,Marymount Secondary school and Belilios Public School are the hot choices for SFCS grils.

I strongly commend St.Paul 's Convent School and Belilos Public School to you if you are a band 1 top girl.

SPCS provides a excellent English Learning environment because some of the student are not Chinese,they come from Indian,Canadian,American or some more else.They speak fluent English and they study French st school,not Chinese,if you make friends with them,your English will be improved a lot.They are very nice so you Don't need to be afraid.There are a lot of 8As in SPCS and the academic results of SPCS is really perfect.But you need to consider the problem of school fees,if you can afford them,then,SPCS will be the best choice for you.

BPS is the earliest girls' school established by the government.Have good HKCEE and HLALE results.Convenient transport,and overall the characteristics are like SPCS.But overall,SPCS is better.

Eastern District band 1 schools:

1.Belilos Public School (girls)
2.Canossa College(girls)
3.Cheung Chuk Shan College(co-edu)

Wan Chai District band 1 schools:

1.Queen 's College(boys)
2.St Pual's Convent School(girls)
3,St,Paul 's Secondary School(girls)
4.Marymount Secondary School(girls)
5.St.Francis Canossian College(girls)

That 's of information that I can provide.
If you have any more question,you can send a mail to me.^^
參考: me
2016-11-10 9:46 pm
St Francis Canossian College

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