
2007-12-21 9:51 am

回答 (3)

2007-12-21 9:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
聯名戶口 有2 種, 1. 可以雙方同意才可拎錢, 或 2. 單方面簽都拎到錢
個戶口可以買股票, 無分別
參考: me
2007-12-21 11:42 pm
It all depends on your agreement with the bank when the account is opened. You all have to sign the account opening form or mandate to state out clearly that the account will be operated by a person signed singly or signed jointly. Please ensure these arrangement will also applied to the Securities Account, a new separate account from the bank account.
The bank will honour bank transactions, cheques or cash and the securities transaction based on the terms as stated in the Account Opening Form.
2007-12-21 12:03 pm
聯名戶口係開戶時, 可以設定一人或二人先可以拎到錢, 講清楚就得架啦, 0的職位會幫你攪好.

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