做番老本行英文 (informal)

2007-12-21 8:04 am
有個朋友以前賣魚, 後來失業走去做小眅, 而家又做番老本行: 賣魚

我就咁講, 不過覺得好似唔係咁好:
he's back to the job of his own profession.


回答 (4)

2007-12-22 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
做番老本行 He's back to the job of his own profession 是累贅了, job 和 profession 這裡不應用在一起。 上面網友提供的 back to his old job 或 he's back to what he used to do 當然可以, 但如果不想直譯, 可考慮以下說法:
To resume one's old trade (trade 其中一用法是 ‘職業’、‘行業’)
To relive an old experience (relive=重溫)

He's resumed his old trade of selling fish.
He's relived his old experience as a fish seller.

2007-12-21 3:46 pm
He's doing what he used to do.
He's gone back to what he used to do.

I have a friend who used to sell fish. When he became unemployed he turned into a street vendor but now he's gone back to what he used to do - selling fish.
參考: eva
2007-12-21 1:23 pm
He is back to his old job./He is back to his old job of selling fish.

He is back to the work that he was used to be./He is back to the work that he was
used to be in selling fish.

His work is to sell fish that he was used to be.
2007-12-21 8:37 am
He back to his own field

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