so i want to chat to someone online but ive heard there dangerous because they get info then kill you?

2007-12-20 11:36 pm

回答 (7)

2007-12-20 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Where are you chatting and how honest they must be plus a good central oversight protection program may keep you safe. But there are people out there who pretend to be your age and try and get you to trust them and then meet them somewhere. Or they ask for pictures or details about your family and specifically you. These people are predators and very clever. So be careful and tell your parents if someone gets too curious about you or wants to meet.

On the other hand some people will just give you advice and hope the best for you and not need anything in return nor ask who you really are. This Yahoo forum seems safe. You might meet some really decent people with whom to chat, but again, if you are nervous or unsure please ask your parents what they think. Please be careful.
2007-12-21 7:57 am
i wont kill you email me at [email protected]
2007-12-21 7:50 am
chatting with someone online can be pretty fun. but i think you shud just chat with the people you know. you know like on aim. just add the people you know. you can add other people you dont know.. but you have to make sure you dont give out any information about you. if your going to tell them your name. then you can make up a fake name just in case. you know?? well yeah thats wat i would do if i were you. alright hope i helped. bye.
2007-12-21 7:47 am
There do are some psyco online, but not all of the people are like that, you just have to be careful. Do believe "everything" the people said. NEVER GIVE OUT ANY PERSONAL INFORMAION. I'm not sure what you mean by "chat" if you don't give out any personal info and just chat should not be a problem, but if you are thinking about meeting them in person, then you'll have to be a little more careful.
2007-12-21 7:47 am
hopefully you are over 21..first of all. second.. do not give out any information.. phone number.. nothing. there is a girl on yahoo already being stalked. ..and worried. third.. do not believe what people say... men could claim to be women.. 50 yr olds..could claim to be `12 and you would never never know. there are plenty of people off line..
2007-12-21 7:45 am
I rarely chat with anybody online because of the risk that you're taking. There have been many reported cases of grown men leading little girls to think that they have a new internet best friend, or a new boyfriend who either rape them or kill them when they finally get you to trust them enough to meet them.

You can probably talk to this person, as long as you don't tell him anything about yourself other than maybe your first name and your state/country (and age too i guess). Just don't get in really deep with this person. Anybody can get pictures of people from the internet, you have no idea who they really are. And don't listen to "Why don't you trust me?", that's a sure sign that they're after you.
2007-12-21 7:44 am
Chatting on line is fun and can be done safely, if you use common sense. Never give out personal information, like your address, phone number etc. Never, NEVER, meet someone on line in public places. Always tell an adult if someone on line talks in a sexual way or tries to get you to meet them.

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