What do you do when your BF is SOOO PERFECT...??

2007-12-20 11:24 pm
What do you do when your boyfriend is sooo perfect that you are scared of losing him??

I thought my bf was cheating a few months ago. He had done it in the past and his friend said he was. So I thought he was.
I asked him. He denied it. He got mad that I wouldn't believe him and broke up with me for about 20 hours....

I'm SOOOO scared of losing him and the same thing happening to me! What can I do?

回答 (6)

2007-12-20 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
what you can do is stay col and don't go crazy about him and all thing "I am going to lose him stuff" or he will dump you because of you being too paranoid.

He also should not have blown up at you for asking him if he is cheating....unless you didn't ask, you yelled or accused then once again tone it down and stay cool. Act as comfortable with this relationship as you want him to feel. And be sure you two are strong in the friendship department. That is very important.
2007-12-20 11:35 pm
If you feel bad about him cheating in the past, the best thing to do is move an. Trust me you don't want to be with him, because you don't trust him anymore. Even if you do, in the back of your mind you are always going to think of the cheating part. DUMP THE GUY..he ain't worth it.
2007-12-20 11:34 pm
You need to think of yourself as his equal and forget that he seems better to you than you deserve. It isn't so. If he gets mad over an honest question, he isn't so perfect. Breaking up for 20 hours was a control issue; he was exercising his power over you and you let him. Do something nice for others and build up your self esteem. You, in fact, may be too good for him!
2007-12-20 11:31 pm
If he's cheating, you still consider him to be SOOO PERFECT? Imagine if you marry him and he cheat, will you be still ok about it? Yes you may love him with all your heart, but I don't think he's that perfect afterall.
2007-12-20 11:29 pm
if he does not feel the same about you then you guys prob aren't meant to be together naw
2007-12-20 11:29 pm
you have very low standards if you think a cheater is soooo perfect.

d u m p h i m & m o v e o n !

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