Trouble with Mother-in-law..any advice?

2007-12-20 11:15 pm
My mother in law has been a source of trouble for my husband, his father and brothers his entire life. She has always been nice to me until now, when I called her out on something. My sister in law had the same trouble with her a year ago. (she called her out on something too) My Mother in law volunteered to help babysit if we needed her and when we needed her she threw a fit (as a 49 year old woman) Grrr. She has health issues but not bad enough to not babysit. My husband and father in law said she is better than she used to be. This makes me nervous for our future, as soon as I can afford a babysitter I am going to because she seems unstable. My husband and I are both starting new jobs and needed help with getting our daughter watched. I just needed to vent.. Any Advice? Words of wisdom?

I'm not trying to make her raise my daughter or leave all my responsibilities of my child with her. I don't appreciate the comments that hinted that. I'm not like that. I realize that she's doing us a favor; but she is an adult and should take responsibility if she volunteered her services. My husband is just in his training hours for his new job; which happen to be my work hours as well. Things will be different after we gotten into a more permanent arrangement. My stepmom has to help raise her grandchildren and I don't want to do that to my in-laws, we just need help right now. I'd rather be home with my baby but our financial situation requires I work, and my mother in law knows this.

回答 (6)

2007-12-21 4:39 pm
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Dear Mom for 4 months:

I feel for you, my mother passed away 16 yrs ago and my mother in law is unfit to leave her to watch a cat so I can understand your problem. To many people take for granted that they have their parents as a support system to babysit because lets face it today you need 2+ salary just to live.

If I was you I would have your husband talk to his mom and let her know if she is not willing to help out for now he is going to have to get a 2nd job to pay for the day care. She most likely will not want her baby boy to be effected by her behavior and hopefully stop with the drama. If it doesn't work tell hubby start looking for 2nd part time job so you can pay for day care.

Good Luck
2007-12-20 11:41 pm
I also agree that it's not your mother-in-law's responsiblity to babysit your kid. She already brought up her own kid up. If she offers to help she's doing both of you a big big favor. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it if she doesn't want to babysit you kid, she should have her own life. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their parents taking care their kid. Imagine if you don't have a mother-in-law then what would you do?
2007-12-20 11:26 pm
Expect nothing. It is totally wrong for a couple to expect one of their parents to babysit their children while they work. If she offered it as a gesture and backed out of it. that's the way it goes.
I don't believe parents should have to raise their kid's kids, unless the grandparents don't have a life.
2007-12-20 11:26 pm
I know how hard it is to find a good baby sitter, but your mother-in-law sounds a little unstable. Could she be going through her change of life, lots of hormonal issues their.
2016-05-25 5:30 pm
what is mom doing when you babysit? is she working or partying? if she is just using you so she can go out and have fun, she should give you some free time. it is good that she trusts you to look after your sister. dont know what to tell you to do about it. some moms are reasonable and some aren't. tell her if you are responsible enough to babysit, you are responsible enough to have your friends over while she is gone. either way, as you get older you will have less time for yourself. that is just a fact of life. good luck.
2007-12-20 11:23 pm
Although you may be tempted, it's probably not a good idea to call your mother in law out on something. I know it's a pain to hold your tongue, but I found out early in my relationship with my mother in law that it was more peaceful to keep quiet and try to remember that someday I, too, would be a mother in law.

And it's still hard to keep quiet!

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