single sex school, are they good for children ?

2007-12-21 5:24 am
- with introduction and conclusion
- 3 main points/ idea

回答 (2)

2007-12-21 2:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
P.S. Since I don't know how many words I need to write, I just write as many words as I like.

Looking for a good school become a very big issue nowadays. Most of the parents wish their children got into a good school or English teaching school. Sometimes parents worry too much, they even help their children to decided whether they should study in unique sex or both sexes school. In fact, they are not much different at all. Neither one of them is particular bad.

Studying in a single sex school, teacher may find much easier to teach their student about sex. For instance, teacher can talk to them in how important to use condom; why do people have sex etc. Some people agree students are good in sport in boy school. Their point is boys would concentrate on sport in leisure time rather than spending time on dating girls. Although I don’t agree this totally, some of the single sex school are particular good in sport. St Paul is the case of it. Also single sex school can reduce teenager pregnant incidents but this cannot 100% prevent this happened. It is because student can still meet girls or boys outside the school.

However, studying in a single sex school could be boring. Student may not know much about boys or girls. If school is a small model of our society, then school should not be single sex.

In conclusion, neither the single sex school nor both sexes school is the best. Choosing what type of school to study depends on what the students want. If they want to get to know more about different sexual student, they can study in both sexes school. I honestly don’t think studying in a single or both sexes school would affect their school results anyway. Why bother agruing this topic?

2007-12-21 22:06:54 補充:
Hi henrykswong, your point of view is interesting :) . I was used to study in single sex school too but it was a crap one.
參考: This is a stupid boring topic
2007-12-21 8:42 pm
Educational institutes that are offered only to one sex have been around for way too long. The following essay shall advocate the diversity of sexes into mainstream educational institutes and provide a broad view into reasons behind why both sexes should be entitled to study together.

During the age of childhood and teenage hood, it is not in the child ’ s best development to restrict his daily activities and learning processes to his own sex. By prohibiting the opposite sex to participate in many activities, students are not receiving the appropriate interaction, feedback and assimilation that would further enhance their education experience. One may say that single sex schools have been in place and students have been adapted to this type of learning for decades. However, we should not be afraid or reluctant to try and make changes. It is through different changes, that improvements and achievements can be made.

Other than the academic perspective, we can also investigate the psychological factors within. In the society that we live in today, interaction between males and females occur everywhere. There is no workplace that will protect you from being in contact with the other sex. Earlier stages of students being blended together, will allow them to grow past their fears in expressing themselves. It will also help to alleviate the problem of students dating and affecting their school lives in high school, because now it is no longer a big deal to be associated with the opposite sex because it has become a normal thing and this is the way things should be!

This last paragraph shall emphasize on a negative attribute that the general majority blindly tag onto multi sexed schools. They accuse these schools to cause higher pregnancy rates amongst teenagers. This is a ridiculous and fact less claim. Teenage pregnancy rates are determined by the level of proper sexual education, family education and availability of contraceptives. If multi-sexed schools really had this problem, then half of the world’s schools would be filled with pregnant teens.

There is nothing wrong with a multi sex educational institute; we have kindergartens and universities that perform perfectly well, why can ’ t other levels within the system do the same? It is pure prejudice that this system is bound to fail, certain groups hold heavy traditional mentality that single sex schools are of higher prestige. It is time to redefine the way people think and push forward the multi sex school system to ensure a healthier growth of our future generations!
參考: Do read it through, I believe it is a topic worthy to debate, especially in HK. It depends on which perspective you take!

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