繁體網上唔到呀,, 有冇人有方法上得到?
英文問題有 d 字眼我唔係好明,, 希望有人肯幫下手 =]
1, Do you weigh more than [Barney Gumble]?
2, Are you younger than [Otto]?
3, Do you think grammar is not a time of waste?
4, Were you a [Springfield] [Stonecutter]?
5, Would [Flanders] see you at church?
6, Would you make [Homer]'s heart race?
7, Does [Bart] look up to you?
8, [Evergreen Terrace]
9, Would Krusty touch you with a ten-foot clown pole?
10, [Kwik-E-Mart]
差唔多喇,, 唔該晒 =]
[john1995bb] 感謝你的回答,, 可惜你的答案我還是不能明白 ::網友無需上翻譯網幫助我,, 這個方法我是嘗試過的,, 但不太可行::
[fannypoplar] 感謝你的回答,, 我知道 [] 入面有好多係人名同地名,, 我希望搞清楚的是究竟哩 d 人名同地名係咩概念.. 問題入面 ge [you] 指一件事物,, 所以第 3 題唔係好明.. 第 8 同第 10 題回答對我好有幫助,, 謝謝 =]