
2007-12-21 4:08 am
1.Imagine you were on the Moon. Suggest why you could not find any living things there.
2.In the chlor-alkali industry, brine, but not sea water, is electrolysed. Explain why.
3.Write a word equation for the reaction between chalk and dilute nitric acid.

回答 (2)

2007-12-21 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

第二題我諗係因為brine係指concentration o既NaCl....
而sea water就係dulite家la....而家係 chlor-alkali industry...即係要整Cl....
由於brine 進行electrolysis會出Cl2同H2...但sea water只會出O2 同H2

第三題chalk即係calcium carbonate CaCO3


而家係H^+ + CO3^2-
係acid o既一種性質!!


2007-12-20 21:15:32 補充:
第二題如果係sea water...入面有Na ,Cl - , OH- , H 根據DISCHARGE O既次序係OH-同H 出先....會變O2同H2但由於CONCENTRATION會影響放電次序..而Cl- 同OH- o既位置好近...所以會出Cl2第三題acid HCO3^ - or CO3^2- 都會出CO2同H2O
2007-12-21 4:19 am
1. there is no air so no living things there
2. 唔識
3. 唔識

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