10-pts. 膽固清(Lipitor)在那裹買最平 ?

2007-12-20 11:05 pm
膽固清 10mg(Lipitor)在那裹買最平 ? 最好是元朗 or 旺角區.
診所 = $410 / box (40 pills),
Watson's = $318 /box (30 pills).
藥房 ???

回答 (3)

2007-12-21 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
美國輝瑞科研製藥公司 PFIZER有個脂心好友會, 他們會向會員提供心血管病的資訊和優惠, 包括舉辦心臟科健康講座, 提供有關膽固醇及血壓的最新醫療資訊, 以及給予會員購買藥物優惠, 可致電29601838索取入會申請表.

憑優惠券及醫生處方到有份參與的社區藥房可以每盒便宜$30, 但優惠券不會定時供應. 社區藥房的價錢一般是 $280/盒30粒, 減$30的話就是$250/盒. 社區藥房很容易識認, 因為他們都會於其門外張貼告示, 而詳細的社區藥房名稱和地址資料則可到各醫院領取.

如果想再省一點, 可以請醫生處方20mg, 每次分一半吃就是.
2016-05-10 11:55 am
Before taking this medicine

You should not use Lipitor if you are allergic to atorvastatin, or if you have:
- liver disease; or
- if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
To make sure Lipitor is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:
- muscle pain or weakness;
- history of liver disease;
- history of kidney disease;
- history of stroke (including TIA or "mini-stroke");
- a thyroid disorder; or
- if you drink more than 2 alcoholic beverages daily.
Lipitor can cause a condition that results in the breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue, leading to kidney failure. This condition may be more likely to occur in older adults and in people who have kidney disease or poorly controlled hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).
This medicine can harm an unborn baby or cause birth defects. Do not use if you are pregnant. Stop taking Lipitor and tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant Use effective birth control to prevent pregnancy while you are taking this medicine.
Atorvastatin may pass into breast milk and could harm a nursing baby. Do not breast-feed while you are taking Lipitor.
Atorvastatin is not approved for use by anyone younger than 10 years old.

Good Online Mall >>===> http://lipitor2.w3org.pw/2zqek
2007-12-20 11:51 pm

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