可否幫我翻譯為英文, 急

2007-12-20 10:02 pm
基於私人理由, 我唔想繼續下去, 故想暫停繳交年費, 不便之處請見諒

回答 (4)

2007-12-23 1:14 am
Rest assured I will certainly remember that.
2007-12-21 2:40 am
Based on the personal reason, I do not want to continue, therefore wants to suspend pays the year expense, inconveniences place please forgives
參考: ME
2007-12-20 10:32 pm
Based on the personal reason, I do not want to continue, therefore wants to suspend pays the year expense, the discomfort invites the excuse me
2007-12-20 10:09 pm
Due to personal reason, I would like to discontinue with your services immediately and therefore will not pay the annual fees.

Sorry for any inconvinence caused.
參考: me

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