
2007-12-20 8:45 pm
Have you ever noticed how people decorate tales of the past with words such as "good',"golden"."sweet"
? Why? Don't most people agree that life,generally,tend to improve with time --along with everyting else? We call that"progress" and "evolution".Yet ,there 's something captivating about the past,keeping our hearts warm,as we keep it warm in our hearts.The word for this feeling is "nostalgia"

Though not frequently discussed ,nostalgia is among our dearest emotions.Perhaps because maturity requires a certain amount of cynicism,we regard the past as "that simple time,when no problems bothered us".We envy the childish simplicity of youth

回答 (2)

2007-12-21 4:01 am
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The following English-Chinese is done for your reference only.
您曾否察覺到人們如何以 "好的","金色的" 及"甜蜜的"等詞語來粉飾 (decorate)往事(the past). 原因何在?一般來說, 生命會與時并進, 以及越來越完善, 惟大多數人并不同意此說法.我們稱之為"進步" (progress)和"進化"(evolution) . 然而, 往事(the past)會令人著迷, 也讓我們的心靈保持熱心(warm).此感覺之詞 語乃"懷舊"(nostalgia)是也. 我們雖然并不經常談及 "懷舊"(nostalgia), 它却是我們心中最親切的情感 (the dearest emotions).也許成熟是需要有某些憤世嫉俗的觀點或態度(cynicism). 我們視(regard)往事為"沒有受到困擾之簡短時刻". 我們羡慕那些幼稚和單純的青年.

Hope this helps!

2007-12-20 20:16:12 補充:
更正 : 首句 : " 好的 "--------- " 良好的 "
2007-12-21 2:43 am
您曾經注意了怎麼人們裝飾過去的傳說以詞譬如"good'," golden".";sweet "嗎? 為什麼? 多數人民不同意那生活, 一般, 傾向於改善以時間-- 與everyting 一起嗎? 我們叫that"progress" 並且"演變
參考: ME

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