
2007-12-20 6:36 pm

回答 (5)

2007-12-20 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 a foot rest

2 a foot comforting stablizer

3 an equipment to stablize the foot

2007-12-20 11:35:53 補充:
A foot rest is an equipment commonly used with a wheel chair, a working chair, somemedical examination table for patients, etc. for resting the foot. Perhaps, No.2 & No.3may best fit your meaning.
參考: from my own words
2007-12-30 7:10 pm
I think what frankiehui22 asked was about the English name for something to prevent overtuning, probably a table, not human foot!
2007-12-21 2:44 am
Guards against the counter- foot
參考: ME
2007-12-20 8:18 pm
(A frame) guards against the counter- foot
2007-12-20 6:45 pm
(a shelf ) Prevent overturning


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