究竟 Ipsa essence-in liquid foundation 每次要用幾多份量架?

2007-12-20 11:27 am
究竟 Ipsa essence-in liquid foundation 每次要用幾多份量架?

回答 (2)

2007-12-22 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 ) " pump " one and half ON HAND for whole face FIRST .....
2 ) and 點 on forehead, nose, chin and face five place
3 ) " 茶雲 " <<< [ sori .... bad chinese =p ]
4 ) if u find that it's not enough ,u may repeat the above step for some places in need
[ some places u may want a better coverage , u may repeat step 4 ]

# put on the hand first can control the 份量 better ....
# remember " 寧缺勿濫 " ... if u find that it 's not enough add it little by little ,otherwise if u put to much first u can't take it out and destory your base ~

hope it 's helpful ~
參考: my experience !!!
2007-12-27 4:48 am
參考: 自己都用緊

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