My mom saw me and my sister passed out on the couch, now she wont speak to us! Overexaggerating?

2007-12-19 5:32 pm
She's been crying for a while....she thinks Im addicted to Marijuana(and maybe I am)...but while she was yelling at us/crying, I had the sudden urge to throw up! Yesterday she locked herself in her room and didnt even come out to eat. My dad told me she was crying.

It makes me very sad but I do think shes overexaggerting...can you have your opinion as a parent?

Im 17 and my sister is 15.

We are not alcholics we were just drinking at the house, trying to have fun!

回答 (9)

2007-12-19 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, the fact that you are as young as you are and you're getting pass out drunk to "have fun" sounds like a problem. Your mom is upset because she is worried about you, for good reason it sounds like.

She is probably sitting in her room beating herself up over what she did wrong to raise what she sees as drug and/or alcohol addicted children. You can say that she is overreacting if you want, but you're looking at it from your perspective, not hers. Try putting yourself in her shoes. Its the holidays and her two teenage daughters are drinking themselves into a ridiculous stupor. Not very encouraging.

Realize the position you've put her in and apologize.
2007-12-20 1:37 am
So you were passed out drunk...

I don't think she is over exaggerating at all - She feels like she failed as a parent because her daughters are on a path to mess up their lives. If you want your mom to ever speak to you again, you need to knock off the smoking and drinking and try and be good kids.
2007-12-20 1:40 am
I don't think your Mom is over reacting. In fact, I think she is under reacting. First of all marijuana is illegal and not only could you get arrested but so could your parents for having it in their house (even if they don't know) or for knowing you are using and not doing anything about it.
You are also under the legal drinking age which also makes it illegal and could get both you and your parents in deep crap.
Not to mention that obviously alcohol and marijuana are not good for you. You aren't stupid and know what the literature says. More teenagers and young adults die from alcohol related deaths (not just car accidents) than all other drugs combined.
Lastly, it is not only disrespectful to your self and your own body but to do such things in your parents house knowing how they feel about it is totally disrespectful.
If you were my kid, you'd be grounded for months. I would make you take a drug test weekly and you would have to attend some sort of support group or get counseling. If it cont., I'd turn you in to the police and I'd put you in a treatment facility.
I think you owe your Mom an apology and you really need to think about the choices you are making.
2007-12-20 1:35 am
Sounds like you both need help.
2007-12-20 1:59 am
You both have problems. You are, like the other person said, on a path to screw up your lives. You may think you're just having fun, but give it a few years and see where you end up. You're both not even old enough to drink anyway! Seek help. I can understand why your mother's upset.
2007-12-20 2:51 am
I think you hurt you mom real bad, I can't imagine what will I do if i saw my kids drinking or smoking. Honestly I think she handles it pretty well. If i'm your mom I think I'll call the cops or get you to the rehab.. or something. Stop doing stupid stuff and you two owe her an apology.
2007-12-20 2:16 am
well im not a parent,but i think u r so dead!
2007-12-20 2:18 am
do you realize that if you are caught drinking that your parents can go to jail. You are a complete idiot. This is exactly why the drinking age is either 18 or 21. Because immature people like you take advantage of it and turn out to be life long acholoics. The pot just adds fuel to the fire. If you were my daughter I would not hide in my room crying. I would call the police when you were drinking and have them search your rooms for pot. And when they find them I would have you arrested. You have no respect for yourself or your parents and you should be ashamed. But then again people like you have no remorse for the people you hurt. I just hope that you do not end up dead somewhere, because then your mom will have to deal with that on top of all the other stupid things you have put them through!!!!!!!
2007-12-20 1:47 am
either qiut smoking weed and drinking or keep it on the down low...but the thing is that it takes alot to hide and smoke on the low with out getting caught , the best of us slip once in a while. buy some eyedrops , some lotion and some gum and find a secret spot to hide your stash. But it sounds like your mom really cares about you so I would qiut smoking but keep the drinkin.... hahaah I still remember the first time I got caught the first time is always the toughest for them to deal with after that its when the tough love starts. I started smoking at the age 14 Im now 19 I qiut smoking but the first time I got caught was when I was 16. just stop like I did

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