My friend took my debit card and wont admit he did it?

2007-12-19 4:05 pm
I KNOW it was him but he wont admit it. He just laughed about it. He'll probably give it to me once he sees me but he finds these things funny! How can I make him admit? Is a friendship you cant trust worth having?

回答 (3)

2007-12-19 7:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cancel the card and get a new one, change the pin, and cut your friend loose.
2007-12-20 12:13 am
Just call ur bank, cancel it, and invite him to go shopping. Then when ur back is turned, and he pulls out ur debit card, and it gets canceled, u can laugh about it.
2007-12-20 12:09 am
No, that's not funny. He's dealing with your money. Does he also know the PIN? Tell him that's the last chance he has as a friend. Find something else to joke around about.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:06:54
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