PHYSIC: 係唔係??----------------------急用!!!!!!

2007-12-20 4:23 am

If a substance is with a high specific heat capaity, is it a poor conductor of heat?

On the contracy,

If a subatance is with a low specific heat capacity, is it a good conductor of heat?


Your Answer can be explained in English or Chinese.

回答 (4)

2007-12-31 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Question 1
If a substance is with a high specific heat capaity, is it a poor conductor of heat?

On the contracy,

If a subatance is with a low specific heat capacity, is it a good conductor of heat?


If a substance is with a high specific heat capaity, it takes more energy for increasing its temperature, therefore , it's less efficient to conduct heat
If a subatance is with a low specific heat capacity, it takes less energy for increasing its temperature, therefore , it's more efficient to conduct heat

Question 2
But, in fact, glass has lower specific heat capacity than aluminium. However, aluminium coducts heat is better than that of glass.....

How do you explain it?

Aluminium is a metal , glass is a non-metal.
It is known that metals transfer heat faster than non-metals in general.
The kinetic(heat) energy transfers by vibrating the particles ONLY in non-metal(glass)
The kinetic(heat) energy transfers by vibrating the particles AND the mobile electrons in metal(aluminium).
2007-12-29 7:51 am


但是較少的要用小D energy。

But, in fact, glass has lower specific heat capacity than aluminium. However, aluminium coducts heat is better than that of glass.....
2007-12-21 5:47 am
for the 1st question , it is true
It is becoz more energy need to be used to raise its temperature when it is with a high specific heat capacity. *And heat conduction and transfer is due to temperature difference.
Thus it is a poor conductor of heat.
Similarly , the 2rd question is also true.
Since its temperature can be raise by an other heat trasfer by other substance and it can also easy obtain larger temperature difference with the other substance to trasfer heat energy.

2007-12-24 20:20:51 補充:
上一位好似冇mention到heat conduction係要溫度唔同ge時候才能發生
2007-12-20 8:41 am
If a substance is with a high specific heat capaity, is it a poor conductor of heat?
A substance is with a high specific heat capaity, is a poor conductor of heat, because it needs to be heated up with more energy for its temperature to be increased.

If a subatance is with a low specific heat capacity, is it a good conductor of heat?
A subatance is with a low specific heat capacity, is a good conductor of heat because it needs to be heated up with less energy for its temperature to be increased.

Specific heat capacity, also known simply as specific heat, is the measure of the heat energy required to increase the temperature of a unit quantity of a substance by a certain temperature interval. The term originated primarily through the work of Scottish physicist Joseph Black who conducted various heat measurements and used the phrase “capacity for heat.”[1] More heat energy is required to increase the temperature of a substance with high specific heat capacity than one with low specific heat capacity. For instance, eight times the heat energy is required to increase the temperature of an ingot of magnesium as is required for a lead ingot of the same mass. The specific heat of virtually any substance can be measured, including chemical elements, compounds, alloys, solutions, and composites.

The equation relating heat energy to specific heat capacity, where the unit quantity is in terms of mass is:
Q = m c ΔT
where Q is the heat energy put into or taken out of the substance, m is the mass of the substance, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature differential.
Where the unit quantity is in terms of moles, the equation relating heat energy to specific heat capacity (also known as molar heat capacity) is
Q = n C ΔT
where Q is the heat energy put into or taken out of the substance, n is the number of moles, C is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature differential.

Basic equations
The equation relating heat energy to specific heat capacity, where the unit quantity is in terms of mass is:
Q = m c ΔT
where Q is the heat energy put into or taken out of the substance, m is the mass of the substance, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature differential.
Where the unit quantity is in terms of moles, the equation relating heat energy to specific heat capacity (also known as molar heat capacity) is
Q = n C ΔT
where Q is the heat energy put into or taken out of the substance, n is the number of moles, C is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature differential.

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