
2007-12-20 2:49 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-27 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案




2.英文:The house that I study, it has a laurel side.On the laurel the one fine day relevant pass call of voice, I see it then, the detection has two small birds to do nest between the branch and trunk, leaving ground not to go to 56 meters, the person's hand can run into it.The nest is like the cannikin son similar size, the nicety is complete and firm, tying up knot with the thin grass and become.

Bird is one female one male, very small can't be full on holding, the hair color brightness and cleanness, fine and pure amiability, don't know what bird they are.

The cheeper will hatch, the female bird covers it with the wing, the male bird preys for food.Get food each time, dwell for rest in the top of roof, don't come down right away.The host of house shake its nest for fun and by hand, they get down to see blare to call, shake it lightly to call lightly, heavy shake it to shout loudly, take down, blare call stop.

Afterwards and one day, I come from the outside, seeing the nest dropping on the ground, but coulding not find two birds and bird egg.The direction asked them was grasped by a kid's servant of house owner to walk.

Alas!Thus the feather sweeps and blares the interjection sound pretty bird, why don't go to deep mountain to live in thick forest to dwell for rest?Give to pay body in the not suitable place, is just humiliated by the servant and die!So the life is in the road of in this world very spacious?
參考: Me
2007-12-20 3:07 am





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