
2007-12-20 12:29 am
我侄女小學時成績優異(全級第一名), 現在DGS F.1, 但成績未如理想, 請問有何心得, 萬分感謝!

回答 (2)

2007-12-24 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
我讀DGJS時成績還算得是中上, 但是升上DGS中一後成績也有滑落跡象, 但升上中二後, 成績卻回復中上水平.
多番檢討後, 我發覺原來大致上有兩大要素導致成績未如理想
1. 壓力
我們分開了UWXYZ班, 排名(由好-差)UWYXZ, 而在中英數三科主科又分了SET ABCD/EFG.(UWX班 --> ABCD, YZ班--> EFG), 成績好與差, 全看在班別和SET, 所以不少人會為了成績而熬夜, 壓力大增.
令侄女可能由於小學時成績為全級第一, 升上我校後, 某方面的成績表現不及同學, 給了自己一個成績倒退的錯覺, 因而產生了莫大的壓力.
2. 上課時未能聽到重點
曾有一段時間, 我聽課時不太留心, 令到成績不理想. 後來我把老師在簡報上的文字全抄寫下筆記本上, 小測時又因為不能寫出重點而被扣了不少分. 現在, 在中二的一個學期, 我從來都沒有寫過筆記, 只會抓住重點寫在課本上, 方便溫習時查閱.
參考: ME
2007-12-21 3:22 am
First, did your niece study in DGJS??? if no, you don't need to worry so much as the levell between other schools and DGS is a bit different. Your niece still have the second term to catch up and many of the girls are like that too. Don't think that she is very poor as she really needs time to suit in a new environment as the syllabus between primary and secondary school is a bit differnt

So don't worry as your niece will catch up very soon is she is hard-working!! Read hthe books before the lesson and it will be better!! Wrie down the notes from the teacher and the most important thing is to pay attention in class.
參考: my experience

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