The Grade Point Average is the unweighted cumulative average calculated for all subjects taken.
The Semester Grade Point Average is the unweighted cumulative average calculated for all subjects taken for a particular semester.
Yearly GPA
The Yearly Grade Point Average is the GPA of the subjects attempted in Semester 1 and 2 of the academic year under consideration, excluding grades of credits transferred. For subjects which have been failed and retaken within the academic year, only the grades obtained in the final attempt will be included in the Yearly GPA calculation.
For some programmes, a weighted cumulative average (Weighted GPA) for those relevant subjects contributing to the award classification will be calculated.
The Award Grade Point Average is the final GPA value based on which the award classification of a student is determined.
GPA for Major
For students taking a major/minor option, their award classifications will be based on the GPAs they obtained for both their major and minor studies.
GPA for Minor
The GPA for Minor takes into account subjects which are relevant to the student's minor studies.