
2007-12-19 8:06 am
我隻手指唔可以儲存資料,刪除也不可以,我刪除就會彈出磁碟為寫入保護,請移除寫入保護的狀態或改用其他磁碟,手指冇制,我隻手指的牌子係my flash,4gb

回答 (2)

2007-12-19 9:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
係唔係你 format 既時候選左保密磁碟區呀 ?? 咁既話你條 my flash 應該有一個 lock.exe 的,你 run 佢,入返密碼再解鎖就得的了
2007-12-19 5:27 pm
the protection may be due to:
1. you had pressed the physical "protect" switch of the usb key
2. the bundled software has an option to protect the usb key. you've to re-install the software for disabling protection.

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