
2007-12-19 8:02 am
"因為晚上要返學的關係, 所以個人比較疲倦"
請幫我翻譯呀~~Thank you>

回答 (9)

2007-12-19 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-Because I have to go to school at night, I am usually really tired.
-Since I have to go to school at night, I often feel tired.
-I feel tired because I have to go to school at night
-I have to go to school during night and so I often feel really tired.
2007-12-22 6:58 am
To going to school at night because of the relationship between the individual comparison so tired
2007-12-19 9:57 pm
因為晚上要返學的關係, 所以個人比較疲倦
Because the evening needs to go to school relations, therefore
individual quite is weary

Hope it can help you!!!
2007-12-19 9:48 pm
Because the evening must return study relations, therefore individual quite weary "
English is a spot?
參考: me
2007-12-19 7:33 pm
As I have to attend class at night, so I am a bit tire.
2007-12-19 8:17 am
I often feel tired because I have classes at nights.

參考: Myself
2007-12-19 8:15 am
直覺認為樓上峰峰是用番譯網, 因為英文好妙人又用because, 又用therefore (如有誤會, 請見諒)

"Since I need to take a course in the evening, I am rather tired."

2007-12-19 00:15:50 補充:
是"好少人", 打錯字
2007-12-19 8:09 am
英文:Because the evening needs to go to school relations, therefore is a little weary

中文:因為晚上需要上學的關係, 所以有點疲倦

因為你果句有點口語化  我幫你改左D字


2007-12-19 8:08 am
having attended classes at night, it makes me tired.
參考: myself

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