Hang Seng Index?

2007-12-18 11:29 am
anyone knows where to find historical data of Hang Seng Index ? I want to have year end closing index from the year when Hang Seng Index launched please.

回答 (2)

2007-12-18 11:42 am
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I usually get historical data from Yahoo. For the Hang Seng start at


and keep clicking "next" to get earlier years.
2016-05-25 9:19 am
That means BOC HK will become a component in HSI on Dec 2 which is a Sunday (kind of strange cos it is a Sunday and there is no trading). I think you can buy a call or put warrant on the index, but not buy the index.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:25:43
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