✔ 最佳答案
In Hong Kong, the direct consequence of surging oil prices will be increase in commodities prices in general. Having an economic structure with a high proportion of service inudstries against manufacturing, the direct effect of oil price increase on inflation may be modest here. But heavier pressure will be felt by consumers when combined with other factors, such as increase in rent and cost of foodstuff from the mainland, against the background of a general price increase. Some industries, such as transport operators, bear more than a fair share of the pressure. They risk lowering their profit margin unless they pass the burden on the passengers, like some airlines are known of doing. We should also watch closely that oil price hikes may induce profound chain effects on the economy, such as economic depression on world scale, in which Hong Kong's interests would be hurt unavoidably.
參考: 不是網譯. 不是最好也不要害人