change into englsih~

2007-12-19 5:24 am
change into english!!don't use too difficult words~

回答 (3)

2007-12-19 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The value of goods that China exports to US is always higher than that China imports from US. Therefore, China has trade surplus while US has trade deficit.

貿易順差: Trade surplus
貿易逆差: Trade deficit

2007-12-19 01:55:47 補充:
It would be better:The annual value of goods that China exports to US is always higher than that China imports from US. Therefore, China has trade surplus while US has trade deficit.
參考: 好易通漢英詞典
2007-12-19 8:46 pm
China's exports to the United States worth of goods, imported from the United States for a long time greater than the value of goods, it emerged in China's trade surplus, while the United States has a trade deficit has arisen phenomenon.
2007-12-19 6:17 am
Because of the China transfer to U.S.A 's output sample's value ,long ago is larger than from America 's input sample 's value . So ,China has appear with trade error ,America has appear with anti-error.
參考: my fd

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