
2007-12-19 4:41 am
Tim participates in a competition.It is known that each participant has to answer x questions , where 30 marks will be obtained for each correct answer,20 marks will be drducted for each wrong answer and 0 mark for no answer. Tim answer 3/8 of the questions correctly and gives up 8 questions.
a)Express the number of questions Tim answers wrongly in terms of x.
b)If Tim opbtain 130 marks,find the value of x.

回答 (2)

2007-12-19 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) let the no.of questions Tim answers wrongly be y
y = x-8 - 3/8x = 5/8x-8
(因佢答中左全部question既3/8, 所以有3/8x既question答中,只張x(total no. of qusetion) 減番佢岩左幾條同埋佢放棄左幾多條,就知佢答錯左幾多條)

b) -20(5/8x-8) + 30(3/8x) + 8(0) = 130 (個20要加負,因為佢俾人扣20分,之後times番d分數)
(-100/8)x + (90/8)x +160 = 130
-10x/8 = -30
-10x = -240
x = 24

參考: me
2007-12-19 5:57 am
a) the number of questions Tim answers wrongly :

b) the value of x :


20年無計過數,希望無做錯喇. GOOD LUCK!

2007-12-18 22:01:18 補充:
O, SORRY原來已有高人指路,甘拜下風....

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