有一條中一嘅英數唔識計, 麻煩各位高手解答~~

2007-12-19 2:38 am
Jacky plans to buy a pair of shoes. Two weels ago, he saved 40%of the selling price of the shoes. Last week, he saved 80%of the rest. This week, the shoes are on sale at a 10% discount, but he still owes $12. Find the original selling price of the shoes.

回答 (3)

2007-12-19 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let selling price be a.
(selling price after 10% discount)-(the 40%saved at the first time)-(amount saved at the second time)=(amount owed)

selling price is $600

I hope the explaination is clear enough to be understood and to help you. ^.^

remarks: Amount saved at the second time = Amount remaining from the first time times 80%, which is a(1-40%)(80%)=a*60%*80%
2007-12-19 2:50 am
參考: 自己
2007-12-19 2:47 am
設鞋的售價為 m ,


m = 22.1

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