You're welcome & Not at all - 有咩分別?

2007-12-18 7:55 pm
What is the difference between "You're welcomw" & "Not at all"?

回答 (3)

2007-12-18 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're welcome & Not at all
例如: 'Thank you for your help!'
你答: {(對我而言,你是屬於無任歡迎).[You're welcome(to me)] to me 慣性唔講.}
{(對我而言,我都無幫你做過啲乜嘢).[(For me to you.) Not at all.] for me to you 慣 性唔講
參考: myself
2007-12-18 8:07 pm
You are welcome -樂意幫忙。歡迎你「要求幫忙」。
Not at all - 不用謝。別介懷。
2007-12-18 8:02 pm
'You are welcome'--人家多謝你時, 你的禮貌回答.

'Not at all'--人家覺得煩擾到你, 向你'唔好意思'時, 你的禮貌回答.
參考: me

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