
2007-12-18 6:16 pm
啲股價幾時先會升返?放又唔係, 唔放又唔係。
我買了156 & 8172

回答 (2)

2007-12-25 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, 8172 GOLIFE CONCEPTS & 力寶華潤 (0156) is small size company , if need choice suggest you hold 156 , sold out 8172 ,then buy 1398 or 939 is better ^^ hope can help you
2007-12-18 9:51 pm
The market is so worse that, even there is a good news, it will dissolve immediately and continue to fall. But I guess the market won't have big fall now.

However, nobody knows when is the bottom, but if I were you,
I will sell the small stocks and prepare to buy the big stocks,
it is because most of the big stocks has dropped 30% or more ...

So, what is your point to keep the small stocks ?
Will they bounce faster than those big stocks (those with big earnings) + so many crabs ?

I won't believe big stocks like 2318 or 5 or 2628 will drop 30% more, but I won't surprise 156 or 8172 will do so.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:44:32
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