notebook detect 唔到個DVD Drive

2007-12-18 1:55 pm
我部手提notebook detect 唔到個DVD Drive 呀。我用Window Vista,有無人可以教下我呀?買了部腦大約兩個多月啦。本身個DVD drive no problem的。買回來時仲用得,而家唔得,好sad。

揾唔到setup page。按F2無reaction。想喊呀!!

回答 (2)

2007-12-18 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Power On notebook
2. Press F2 to enter setup page (for Dell, it's F2 key, for other brands, it may be "Enter" key)
3. check the DVD Rom model shown in the setup page, see if DVD Rom is disabled. if disabled, enable it agin.
2007-12-19 3:50 am
除左樓上的方法外 仲有 你有冇安裝過DVD Drive 的driver 呀 又或者你更新塊底板(update bios) 咁你係一開機的時候 有冇見到個mon有野 佢顯示( 好似f2 f12)呀比你選擇
你再唔得 我都無辦法 有冇其他的電腦專家幫下手 (仲有 你部手提電腦係咩牌子?)
參考: myself

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