30 is a great age to start dating!!!!!!!!!!!!?

2007-12-18 12:12 am
I am almost 30 and have not yet officially started to date. I have gone on a total of two dates in my entire life. They took place when I was 23 and at the time I felt it was way too early to get into that stuff. What is weird now is that I have become so involved in my career and working on a masters degree that I totally forgot about the "finding love" aspect of life. Seriously, I had an awakening of a sort and said to myself, "Oh yeah, I forgot about maybe someday getting a girlfriend and experiencing my first kiss, etc." I have been told it will be difficult to get into the game so late and even harder because I still live at home by choice. I have no need to move out, plus it's free, I live with my other adults siblings and our parents don't want us to leave! Doesn't that show I am family oriented and not a wreckless spender, etc.? LOL, should I even bother to seek a relationship or should I just pursue more important things like a career etc. and have fun with life?

回答 (3)

2007-12-18 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
You decide what you want out of life.Don't let other people put you down for the thing that you are going after.Living at home is smart and a lot of people put those of us that still live there down,but it's the smart thing to do because you are saving for your future plans.If you would rather pursue a career right now,then don't let anyone discourage you.
2007-12-18 8:48 am
I think one should start dating earlier than 30, and in your 30s should consider a serious committed relationship, but of course it depends totally on individual, as long as you feel comfortable i thinks it's fine.
2007-12-18 8:20 am
go explore, see whose out there, there are so many fish in the sea that it wont be that hard, but at 30, not experiencing a first kiss or an actual relationship it will confusing understanding someone, just go out there and see what happens, dont focus too much on one person you meet, and MOVE OUT

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