Are you ready?

2007-12-17 2:23 pm
I'm about to kiss you!

回答 (19)

2007-12-17 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wait just a second.
ok, ready
2007-12-17 2:28 pm
yay! *kisses*
2007-12-17 2:26 pm
sadly no, old Billy requires foreplay at his age
2007-12-17 2:28 pm
Wait! should I put my clothes back on first!?!?
2007-12-17 2:28 pm
Kiss is the expression of Love in one way. so Go ahead.
2007-12-17 2:27 pm
To late, i done kissed you XXX
2007-12-17 2:27 pm
No. I'm not into chicks.
2007-12-17 2:38 pm
pop a tic-tac first
2007-12-17 2:38 pm
Ok! I let you kiss so you let me to do what next :P
2007-12-17 2:29 pm lips are puckered..what maybe you should kiss me on the cheeks, people might get the wrong idea..

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