Convert 2.9 hours to seconds.?

2007-12-17 1:51 pm

回答 (11)

2007-12-17 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 h = 3600 sec
2.9 h = 7200 + 3240 sec = 10440 sec
2007-12-17 2:07 pm
1 Hour (60 minutes x 60 seconds) = 3600 seconds.
3600 seconds x 2.9 hours = 10440 seconds
2007-12-17 2:00 pm

1 hr = 60 minutes

2.9 hrs = 60 * 2.9 = 174 Minutes

1 minutes = 60 seconds

174 mts = 60 * 174 = 10440 seconds

the answer is 10440 seconds
參考: myself
2007-12-17 1:57 pm
1 hour equals 360 seconds, so 360 + 360+324=1044 seconds
2007-12-17 2:53 pm
1 hour = 3600 seconds
2.9 hours = (3600 x 2) + (3600 x 9/10) = 7200 + 3240 = 10440 seconds
2007-12-17 2:25 pm
(2.9)*60= 174 hours

174 = 10440 seconds
2007-12-17 2:31 pm
so 1 hr. = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds

2.9 x 60 = 174 mintues
74 x 60 = 10440 seconds

hope this helps!
2007-12-17 1:58 pm
you're joking right? Come on!

60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour.

2.9 x 60 x 60. The fact that you're dealing with a decimal makes no difference.
2007-12-17 1:56 pm
60 * 0.9 = 54 = 0.9 hour = number of minutes in 0.9 hour
number of minutes in 1 hour = 60
2 * 60 = 120
120 + (60 * 0.9) = 174 minutes
174 minutes * 60 = 10440 seconds
(sorry I forgot to add that last step in my initial answer)
2016-04-03 7:32 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

maybe you already know this, but Excel is going to read 3.30 as 3 and 3/10 of a minute (which is 3 minutes and 18 seconds). you take your existing inputs and change them to times using something like this =TIME(0,INT(A1),MOD(A1,1)*100) or =VALUE("00:"& INT(A1)&":"& MOD(A1,1)*100) hope that helps

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